Race Report: Battle for Independence 5k Wilmington NC USA

Pitched up at this 5k in North Carolina, as it was near where I was staying with friends on holiday in the US.  As far as I could tell I was the only TWH and only Brit, so I kept a relatively low profile, whilst our friends from over the pond celebrated their independence from us in style.  Complete with a number of costumed characters (Statue of Liberty and a founding father amongst them) and of course a spirited rendition of the Star Spangled Banner, the race started at 7:30 am due to the heat and humidity for the locality (24C) Nevertheless there were 620 entrants for what proved to be a flat and fast course, starting in a parking lot and then heading out on to a shady circular woodland trail, with a short out and back to make up the distance, before returning to the start/finish line.  Pleasant, but too darn hot!
Much to my surprise and delight, I came home as 3rd M60 (see photo) and won a prize – although this was slightly tinged with disappointment as it was a $15 voucher for a local running shop and I was departing within hours!
First male was Tom Clifford of Wilmington NC in 16:32 and first lady was Brittany Perkins in 18:00, also of Wilmington NC.

Michael Youlton

Race Director