Details on how the club is run
The committee manages the day to day operation of the club and steers it according to the direction set by members at the AGM and by the constitution. Committee members are voted in at the club’s AGM, normally for a two year term, and represent the breadth of the club’s activities.
If you think you can fill any of the open positions, please let us know. We need dedicated people to ensure the smooth running of the club.
Chair |
George Harris |
President |
John Hepner |
Secretary |
Simon Holford |
Treasurer |
Amelie Karlsson |
Social Secretary |
Cordy Kent |
Competition Secretary |
Matt Newman |
Welfare Officer |
Colin Ricketts |
Membership Secretary |
Richard Quartermaine |
Coaches Representative |
Sonja King |
Communications Officer |
Vacant |
Non-committee positions
Kit and Awards Secretary | Geoff Turner |
Handicapper |
David French |
Club Code of Conduct
The following code is intended to act as guidance to Club members as to their expected behaviour when training by themselves, competing for the club or taking part in Club activities.
Club members are expected to behave in a manner which is considerate to fellow Club Members and the public at large and supports the positive promotion of the Club, including:
- Accepting responsibility for their own behaviour and performance in training and in competition.
- Treating others with equal dignity and respect, irrespective of their ability, gender, age, ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability or political persuasion. (In person, in writing or via social media.)
- Acting in a dignified manner and not bringing the sport or the club into disrepute.
- Avoiding swearing and abusive language and irresponsible behaviour including behaviour that is dangerous to themselves or others, acts of violence, bullying, harassment and physical or sexual abuse.
- Challenging inappropriate behaviour and language by others.
- Reporting any suspected misconduct of club officials, coaches or other club members to the Club committee as soon as possible.
- Undertaking to encourage and aid fellow Members, whether of lesser ability or in need of assistance.
- Showing appreciation to those throughout the club who help them participate in athletics, including volunteers and coaches.
- Contributing to the running of the club by volunteering to set routes, carry first aid equipment, where qualified, participating in schemes to look after runners, marshalling at club events, helping at social events and any other activities where requested by the Club General Committee.
Club members are expected to act in a safe and responsible way with consideration for other road users, particularly with regard to safety and the wearing of visible clothing where appropriate.
When running on road, runners should:
- Use the pavement or footpath where there is one.
- Run in single file on the right hand side of the road where there is no pavement or footpath.
- On sharp right-hand bends it is recommended to cross over well before the bend (when safe to do so), and return to face oncoming traffic after the bend.
- Always be aware of other road users and any traffic build-up that you or your group may be causing. It may be safer to stop and allow vehicles to pass.
- The use of headphones is discouraged in on-road training runs and strongly discouraged in on-road competitive events.
- During Club activities, all members are expected to wear high visibility clothing with light-reflecting strips when out running on the roads during the hours of darkness. (The Club will provide high vis/reflective tops on loan for those members who forget).
Club members are expected to recognise and adhere to boundaries dictated by both Public Rights of Way and private property. Permission must be sought for access to private land for all club activities or events.
Any route marking for club training runs and activities should be either removed immediately after the event or be biodegradable within a few days
Club members should adhere to the relevant parts of the Countryside Code:
- Fasten all gates.
- Keep dogs under close control, especially where there are deer or farm animals.
- Keep to public paths across farmland.
- Use gates and stiles to cross fences, hedges and walls.
- Leave livestock, crops and machinery alone.
- Take litter home.
- Help to keep all water clean.
- Protect wildlife, plants and trees.
- Take special care on country roads.
- Make no unnecessary noise, particularly when participating in ‘hash’runs.
- It is advisable to walk rather than run through fields of livestock, keeping a watchful eye on them.
Club members are expected to adhere to the rules of England Athletics and other governing bodies, in particular
- When participating in organised events, either as an individual or as a Team Member, wear Club colours, unless running for a charity.
- Comply with the relevant rules regarding the use of inhalers.
- Respect specific rules laid down by the event organisers.
- Do not swap race entry numbers, except with the express agreement of the organisers.
- Obey temporary signage and instructions of marshals.
Club Rules
The current Club Rules are documented in a handbook dating back to 1999 and these have been updated at various AGMs and changed by usage over the years. The following set of rules is an attempt to bring these up to date to reflect how the club actually functions. The committee proposes that these rules become the approved rules of the club; these can be amended and updated at future AGMs, as required.
Tunbridge Wells Harriers Club Rules
1. Membership
- No person may compete in the name of the Club until they have submitted an application, or if full membership has expired.
- By becoming a member of the Club, every member agrees to abide by the Club’s Constitution; the Rules of the Club; the Club’s Code of Conduct; the Rules of Competition and other rules and regulations of UK Athletics Limited; and the rules and regulations of England Athletics Limited (or relevant successor bodies).
- Membership classes. Members must designate themselves as either “First Claim” or “Second Claim” Members. Changing from first or second claim (or vice versa) to be carried out in accordance with the rules of England Athletics.
- Honorary Life Membership will ordinarily be granted in recognition of a significant personal contribution to the Club’s affairs. The total number of Life Members is not limited, but only two Life Memberships may be granted in one financial year. Honorary Life memberships may be proposed by any member and shall be awarded by a majority vote at the AGM. Honorary Life Members are exempt from payment of annual subscriptions but shall otherwise have the same rights as Ordinary Members.
- Associate Members. Non-competing members of the Club who may not use the Club training facilities but may take part in the Club’s social events and receive all Club correspondence. Associate Members shall not have voting rights but shall pay a reduced annual subscription.
2. Subscriptions
- Reduced subscription fees will be payable by Members in full time education or in receipt of state benefit.
- Ordinary Members shall pay their subscription fees within 4 weeks of the renewal date each year [amended 2022]
- New Members joining the Club during the year may pay a pro rata fee as agreed from time to time by the committee. Members joining after the 1st February shall be deemed to have paid their subscription for the following year.
3. Cessation of membership
- Members may resign from membership at any time by notice in writing to that effect given to the Secretary.
- A member who resigns shall not be entitled to any refund of subscriptions in respect of the remaining period.
- If a member has not paid his/her subscription by the end of March each year membership shall automatically cease and he/she will not be eligible to participate in the affairs or activities of the Club, including voting in any General Meeting. Payment of a full subscription at a later date will enable the former member to be readmitted by the Committee.
- Once membership is applied for a refund of the subscription may be made if a request to withdraw is made to the membership secretary within two weeks of the initial application and the applicant has not already enjoyed a free trial period. After two weeks, or if the applicant enjoyed a free trial period, no refunds shall be made. If a membership application is declined by the committee a full refund of the subscription will be made.
- Membership shall not be transferable and shall cease immediately on death or on the failure of the member to comply with any condition of membership set out in the Constitution.
- The Committee shall have the power to expel a Member when in its opinion it would not be in the interests of the sport or the Club for him to remain a member. Such expulsion shall be carried out in accordance with the Disciplinary Procedures set out below.
- Any person shall, upon ceasing to be a Member of the Club, forfeit all rights to and claims upon the Club and its property and funds.
4. The Club Committee.
- The Committee will comprise
1. Chair
2. President
3. Treasurer
4. General Secretary
5. Club Welfare Officer
6. Competition Secretary
7. Communications Officer
8. Coaches Representative
9. Membership Secretary
10. Social Secretary
One of the above committee members shall be designated Vice-Chair to chair meetings in the absence of the Chair. Also, one of the above will be designated as the Nevill Representative to liaise with the TW Borough Council, the TW Hockey Club and the TW Cricket Club regarding the use of the Nevill Pavilion.
- At least two committee members (usually the General Secretary and Club Welfare Officer) should be trained and appointed as a DBS Verifier as required by England Athletics Club Standards .
- The Committee Members shall be nominated in accordance with the procedure entitled “Election of Committee” set out below and elected by the Members at the Annual General Meeting. All Committee Members shall remain in office for a one-year term until the end of the Annual General Meeting in the year after their election and shall be eligible for re-election.
- [Added 2023] The Club Chair and the Club President shall serve for no more than five years, unless otherwise agreed by the AGM.
- Any Committee Member may serve a maximum five year continuous term, before being eligible again for election, no sooner than two years from the AGM date following them stepping down. [added 2022]
5. Election of Committee
- Any Member may be nominated by any other two Members, with his/her approval, as a candidate for any of the posts of the Committee either before or at the Annual General meeting.
- A Member may accept nomination for any of the separately elected posts constituting the Committee, subject to being eligible to hold only one of these posts at any time. If a Member shall be elected to a post during the prescribed course of business, his or her name shall be deleted from all subsequent voting for the remaining elected posts at that meeting.
- If the number of candidates for election as the Committee Members shall be equal to or less than the number of vacancies, they shall be declared elected unopposed. If the number of candidates is greater than the number of vacancies every eligible Member may vote, by a show of hands, for as many candidates as there are vacancies and those candidates with the most votes will be elected until all vacancies were filled.
6. Leaving Office
- The office of an elected member of the Committee shall be vacated if he or she:
- resigns at any time by notice in writing to that effect given to the Secretary and such resignation shall take effect immediately.
- ceases to be a member or shall be excluded or suspended from the Club under disciplinary proceedings.
- is absent from the Committee Meetings for more than three consecutive or one third of Committee meetings without the explicit consent of the Committee, such consent to be recorded in the minutes of the Committee. A member of the Committee who is absent from one third (rounded to the nearest whole number) or more of properly organised Committee meetings without the explicit consent of the Committee between any two AGMs shall be deemed to have vacated his or her position and shall be ineligible to stand for re-election.
- becomes bankrupt or makes any arrangement with his creditors;
- [is suspended from holding office or taking part in any activity relating to the administration or management of a Club by a decision of England Athletics Limited or UK Athletics Limited;]
- is asked to resign by all the other Committee members, acting together.
- The Committee shall have the power to appoint a Member to fill any casual vacancy on the Committee until the next Annual General Meeting. Any Committee Member so appointed shall retire at the next Annual General Meeting but shall be eligible for election at such meeting in accordance with the provisions for Proceedings at General Meetings.
7. Proceedings of The Committee
- The Committee shall meet at least six times each year in person and as often as may from time to time be necessary. All meetings may be held in a manner agreeable to the committee, whether face-to-face or on-line. [Amended 2021]
- A meeting of the Committee at which a quorum is present and has been properly convened shall be competent to exercise all the powers and discretions invested in the Committee by these Rules.
- The Committee may act notwithstanding any vacancy in its numbers, so long as the number of members of the Committee entitled to vote is not reduced below eight in which case it shall be entitled to act only for the purpose of appointing or arranging the election of new members of the Committee.
- Questions arising at any meeting shall be determined by a simple majority of votes illustrated by a show of hands. In the case of an equality of votes the Chair, who shall not otherwise have voted, shall have a casting vote.
- The Committee may regulate their meetings and proceedings as they think fit.
- As soon as is reasonably possible after a meeting, the Secretary shall distribute minutes of the meeting to the other Committee members for comment.
- The Committee may invite persons who are not members of the Committee to address a meeting of the Committee.
8. Powers Of The Committee
- The Committee shall be responsible for the management of the Club and shall have the following specific powers to:
- make Club Rules and regulations to allow for the day to day operation of the Club and its activities. Such Club Rules may not supersede or contradict provisions of the Constitution and must be reasonably available to Members.
- amend the Club Code of Conduct if required and inform the Members of any changes
- make and give receipts, releases and other discharges for any amount payable to the Club and for claims and demands of the Club.
- invest, place on deposit and deal with any finances of the Club not immediately required upon any investments or securities which the Committee thinks fit.
- issue, sign, draw, endorse, negotiate, transfer and assign all cheques, bills, drafts, promissory notes, securities and instruments, negotiable and non-negotiable, to operate on the Club’s banking accounts.
- enter into all such negotiations and contracts and rescind and vary all such contracts and execute and do all such acts, deeds and things in the name of, and on behalf of, the Club as they may consider expedient.
- pay all the costs and expenses of, and incidental to, any of the aforesaid matters and things.
- determine how and by whom any such power shall be executed, operations effected and documents signed or things done.
- appoint Members or sub-Committees consisting wholly or partly of the members of the Committee to exercise such functions as the Committee may from time to time delegate to them.
- organise Club activities.
- propose the criteria by which the Club’s guaranteed places for the London Marathon, or any other such races, are allocated, for agreement at the AGM (see item 20 for current criteria)
- The members of the Committee shall be entitled to an indemnity out of the assets of the Club for all expenses and other liabilities properly incurred by them in the management of the affairs of the Club.
9. Sub-Committees
There should be sub-committees of the General Committee responsible for organising the Club Half Marathon race, and any other major event promoted by the Club. Any sub-committee should provide a report of its dealings by means of a representative attending meetings of the General Committee.
10. Vice Presidents
The committee may admit senior members to a body of Vice Presidents, at their discretion, as a means of recognising long service to the club. This is an honorary title only and carries no rights or responsibilities. The Vice Presidents may be called upon to give advice to the President. The names of the Vice Presidents are to be recorded in some way and displayed at the club house.
11. Club Patron
The club should have one or more Patrons, this being an honorary position for a notable personality who is prepared to associate themselves with the Club by intent or contribution. This association should be seen to enhance and dignify the reputation of the Tunbridge Wells Harriers. A Club Patron is elected by a simple majority of those present at the Club AGM.
12. AGM
At all such meetings the President or Chair, or in his or her absence a member of the Club selected by those members of the Committee present, shall take the Chair. Every Full Member shall have one vote unless disqualified from voting by the Constitution. Votes may be given personally or by proxy. Every resolution submitted to a meeting shall be decided by a show of hands and in the case of an equality of votes, [on a matter on which the Chair has not voted,] the Chair of the meeting shall have a casting vote.
The General Secretary shall act as the Returning Officer to oversee any elections conducted at the meeting.
- [Added 2023] the quorum for a General Meeting shall be 20% of the fully paid-up members members at that time. No business shall be transacted at any Annual General Meeting unless the required quorum is present. If, within an hour following the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting shall stand adjourned to a time and a place agreed by the majority of Members present. If, at such adjourned meeting a quorum is not present, those Members who are present shall be a quorum and may transact the business for which the meeting was called.
- all resolutions (and amendments thereto) shall be put to the meeting and must be approved by at least a 50% majority of those voting at the meeting.
- resolutions proposed for consideration by an Annual General Meeting shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least two weeks before the date of the meeting.
- amendments may be proposed at any time during debate, although the Chair shall have the right to require these to be put in writing together with the name of the proposer.
- the Chair shall deal with amendments in the strict order in which they are proposed, although he/she shall have the right to refuse amendments which negate the resolution. If an amendment to a resolution is proposed, no further amendments shall be proposed until the first is disposed of. If an amendment is lost, a further amendment may be moved to the original resolution but only one amendment shall be submitted to the meeting at one time; if an amendment to a resolution is carried, then the resolution as amended shall become the resolution to which further amendments may be proposed.
During the course of debate the proposer of a resolution may accept an amendment to the resolution, in which case the amended resolution shall become the resolution under debate. The proposer can withdraw a resolution or amendment. The resolution shall be debated and decided by the meeting.
The Chair of the Annual General Meeting may, with the consent of the meeting, adjourn the same from time to time and from place to place but no business shall be transacted at any adjourned meeting other than the business left unfinished at the meeting from the point at which the adjournment took place.
13. Extraordinary General Meetings
The Secretary shall, on the requisition in writing (including email) of not less than ten Members entitled to vote at such meetings, convene an Extraordinary General Meeting within four weeks of the receipt by him or her of the requisition stating the business to be raised. No other business is to be discussed at an Extraordinary General Meeting.
14. Accounts
The Treasurer will ensure proper accounts are kept and provide Committee Members with accurate financial reports on at least a quarterly basis. The Club’s financial records shall always be open to inspection by the Committee.
The Club’s Financial Year shall run from January 1 to December 31 inclusive. The Treasurer shall present accounts for the previous Financial Year to the Annual General meeting for consideration and copies of these will be available to Members at the meeting. If the Accounts are not accepted at the Annual General Meeting, a qualified Accountant may be appointed to investigate members’ concerns.
15. Complaints procedure
Any complaint or protest by a member should be made in writing and handed to or sent (by post or email) to a member of the committee. Such complaints to be investigated by the committee, or a nominated sub-committee, as appropriate.
16. Disciplinary Procedures
- The Club shall not tolerate the physical or mental abuse, harassment, discrimination or defamation of any of its Members during, or subsequent to, Club Events. Any Member may be disciplined or excluded from membership of the Club if his or her conduct has been, or is likely to be, prejudicial to the interests of the Club.
- Exclusion will be agreed by resolution of a majority of at least two thirds of those present and voting at a properly convened Committee Meeting and at which no fewer than nine of the total voting members of the Committee shall be present.
- Such Member shall have one month’s clear notice of the Committee Meeting sent to him or her together with details of the case against him or her. The Member shall be entitled to attend the Meeting and be heard in defence, but shall not be entitled to be present at the voting or take part in the proceedings other than as the Committee shall permit. The Member shall be allowed to be represented by a third party if they so wish. If the Member is a member of the Committee, he or she shall not be entitled to vote.
- Any Member disciplined or excluded from the Club for disciplinary reasons may lodge an appeal with the Committee and shall thereupon have the right to demand that the matter be referred to three arbitrators: one chosen by the Committee, one chosen and paid for by the aggrieved party and one chosen by the two arbitrators. In the event that the first two arbitrators fail to agree on a third, the third arbitrator shall be appointed by the UKA or other relevant organising body as shall be nominated by the Committee. Such arbitrators shall have the power by their award to annul the disciplinary action or exclusion, or to annul it subject to the performance of any condition, which the arbitrators may think fit to impose.
17. Notices
Any notice required to be given under the Constitution or Rules will be deemed to have been given and received on the next working day if sent by first class post or email to the address of the member as recorded on the Membership Database. For reasons of safety every member shall be responsible for keeping their membership details up to date.
18. Data Protection [Amended 2019]
The Committee undertake to comply with the principles for the lawful processing of personal data set out in the UK GDPR. Processing includes the collection, organisation, structuring, storage, alteration, consultation, use, communication, combination, restriction, erasure or destruction of personal data. The principles require the following:
- Lawfulness, fairness and transparency: data must be obtained fairly and lawfully and shall not be processed unless certain conditions are met;
- Purpose limitation: data must be obtained for specified and lawful purposes and not further processed in a manner incompatible with that purpose;
- Data minimisation: data must be adequate, relevant and not excessive;
- Accuracy: data must be accurate and up to date;
- Storage limitation: data must be kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data are processed;
- Integrity and confidentiality (security): data must be processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures;
19. Liability
The Club will accept no responsibility nor hold themselves liable for any claim arising from any accident or injury that might occur to members in the course of their training or competition on behalf of the Club or during travel to or from such competitions.
20. Allocation of London Marathon Places:
Currently these are as follows and apply to any other races for which the Club may receive guaranteed entries:
That the Club’s guaranteed entries in the London Marathon be allocated to claimants on the basis of the following criteria (in order of importance):
- full Club membership for a minimum of one year;
- service to the Club in the preceding year (with criteria to be published by the Club General Committee at the AGM prior to the event);
- attendance at the AGM (or apologies given);
- not having received a Club place for the relevant event for the last two years;
- not having run in the in the relevant event in the last two years;
- rejection from the London Marathon (rejection letter or email required);
In the event of no applicants meeting all six of the above criteria, then they will be relaxed to the first five, and so on. In the event of there being more claimants under a given set of criteria than there are places, then a draw will be held.
Any club member who obtains a club-guaranteed place and does not use it (or allow another member to use it) will not be eligible for the draw for five years. Club members who qualify for an automatic ‘Good for Age’ (GFA) place are also not eligible for the draw in the year in which their GFA applies.
21. Competition
- That when representing the Club or taking part in any Club organised activity, members are required to adhere to the Club Code of Conduct.
- That all members of the Club competing in the name of the Club in any event are to wear Club racing colours, unless running in aid of a charity, in which case the Member may wear the charity’s vest.
- That for the purpose of club records, performances are measured within the following age categories:
Men: Senior (18-39), M40-44, M45–49, M50-54, M55-59, M60-64, M65-69, and in further 5 year age groups as required. [Amended 2019]
Women: Senior (18–34), F35–39, F40-44, F45-49, F50-54, F55-59, F60-64, and in further 5 year age groups as required. [Amended 2019] - That for the purposes of club championships, club awards are made for the winners of the following age categories:
Men: Senior (18-39), M40-49, M50–59, M60 (and over)
Women: Senior (18–34), F35–44, F45-54, F55 (and over) - Competitors are eligible to win the award for their own age category, together with that for the senior category.
- That all full members of the Club, whether first or second claim, are eligible for Club awards and to set Club records provided that their performances are achieved while either:
- competing for the Club in an open or association event (where the current rules of the relevant governing body concerning second claim eligibility apply), or
- competing in a Club event
22. Use of photos
The Club reserves the right to display photos of club members on internal media but members may ask for specific photos to be removed and may elect not to be identified in photos.
23. Subsidised Training
Where members receive coaching or other relevant training at the expense of the Club they may be asked to undertake to spend an agreed minimum number of hours for the benefit of the Club, or its members, and to reimburse the Club in the event of this not being fulfilled.
Club Constitution
1. Title
a. The Club shall be known as Tunbridge Wells Harriers (hereinafter to be referred to as “the Club”). The Club Colours shall be a “vest, or other garment as approved by the Committee, bearing royal blue and yellow vertical stripes with a plain dark-coloured lower garment”.
2. Objectives
The objectives of the Club shall be:
a. To encourage the practice, promotion, development and participation of amateur athletics in Tunbridge Wells and the wider community.
b. To provide training and coaching for members.
c. To organise open, club, and club handicap running races.
d. To organise teams to represent the Club in championships and leagues and in such other competitions as the Committee shall decide.
e. The Club shall cater for the following athletics disciplines: Road Running, Track Athletics, Cross-Country Running and other sporting events which include a running discipline.
f. The Club shall seek to be affiliated to national and regional amateur athletic bodies as the Committee consider appropriate in order to carry out the objectives of the Club.
3. Membership
a. Full membership of the Club shall be open to persons, aged 18 and above, who are amateurs as defined by UK athletics governing bodies at that time, regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs. However, limitation of membership according to available facilities is allowable on a non-discriminatory basis.
b. Each membership application should normally be made by on-line electronic submission using the web site application form. Each candidate for membership must be considered by the Committee, which shall admit that person to membership unless to do so would be contrary to the best interests of the sport or the good conduct and interests of the Club. The appropriate subscription must accompany the application for membership.
The club welcomes first and second claim members.
c. Honorary life membership of the Club may be conferred upon any member, by a majority vote of those present at an AGM, in recognition of someone who has performed an outstanding service, or who has made an outstanding contribution to the Club.
d. The Committee shall have the power to suspend or exclude any member for contravention of this Constitution, documented rules or published codes of conduct that may exist at that time. In exercising these powers the Committee shall adhere to the Club’s disciplinary procedures, which will include an Appeals procedure.
4. Subscriptions
a. Annual subscriptions shall become due for payment on 1st April each year, with the amounts being approved by the AGM. [Amended 2019]
b. The Club will keep subscriptions at levels that will not pose a significant obstacle to people participating.
c. Any member failing to make payment by 30th June shall cease to be entitled to the rights and privileges of membership, provided that notice has been sent at least twice to the member’s last known email or postal address informing him/her of the proposed action. [Amended 2019]
5. Management
a. The management of the Club shall be vested in an elected Committee that shall consist of the Chair, Treasurer and Secretary, together with a maximum of ten other members, who shall be Officers of the Club. Additionally there will be an Honorary President of the Club who shall perform duties representing the Club and may provide guidance on strategy and probity as required. The President shall be a member of the Committee and will be invited to Committee meetings. All the foregoing shall be elected at the AGM and remain in office until the conclusion of the AGM of the following year.
b. Five elected Committee members are required for a quorum for a Committee meeting to take place providing the Chair, Vice Chair or Secretary is also present.
c. The Committee shall have the power to fill vacancies if they arise and to co-opt members for particular projects; co-opted members shall not have a Committee vote.
d. The Committee shall also have the power to establish any sub Committee deemed appropriate to assist in meeting the objectives of the Club, such as, but not limited to, the promotion of open events, and to delegate to these sub Committees such duties as may be considered appropriate.
e. The Committee shall have the power to appoint individuals to perform specific duties on behalf of the Committee, and to delegate to those individuals such duties as they consider appropriate.
f. The Committee shall have the power to deal with any matter not covered by the rules.
6. Annual General Meeting
a. The AGM shall be held in the months of March or April as dictated by the practical circumstances applicable at that time.
b. At least 21 days notice shall be given to members of the date, venue and agenda items for the AGM. Any proposed change to the constitution must be received by the Secretary at least 14 days preceding the meeting in order that all members shall have sufficient notice of the proposal.
c. At the AGM the meeting will:
i Receive annual reports of the principal activities of the Club.
ii Receive the financial statements and the Treasurer’s report.
iii Elect the Club officers and other Committee members for the ensuing year.
iv Consider any amendment to the constitution of which due notice has been given to all members.
v Approve the annual subscription for the following year
v Transact any other notified business.
d. [Added 2023] the quorum for a General Meeting shall be 20% of the fully paid up members, including Associate and Honorary Life Members, at that time.
e. All registered members of the Club at the meeting shall have one vote. In the case of an equality of votes the Chair will have a second, casting, vote. Voting shall be by a show of hands except where the Chair decides voting shall be by ballot.
f. [Added 2019] In addition to voting by those present at the meeting, on-line votes cast prior to the meeting may be included in the voting for any proposals, including those to change the Club Rules or Club Constitution.
7. Extra-Ordinary General Meeting
a. An EGM may be called by the Committee to discuss changes to the Constitution and Rules or any other Club business too urgent to wait for the AGM.
b. An EGM must be called if not less than 10 voting members so petition the Secretary in writing.
c. Three weeks’ notice of an EGM must be given to all the members by email or in writing together with the motion/s to be discussed. No other business shall be conducted.
d. Procedures for voting shall be as used for the AGM.
8. Finance
a. The financial year of the club shall end on 31st December (amended 2023)
b. All funds belonging to the Club shall be deposited with a bank or building society in accounts that shall carry the Club title. All accounts shall operate on two signatories, one of whom will be the Treasurer and the other the Chair, Secretary or President.
c. Expenditure above or outside agreed budgeted amounts may only be authorised at a Committee meeting.
9. Property and Funds
a. The property and funds of the Club cannot be used for the direct or indirect private benefit of members other than as reasonably allowed by the Rules and all surplus income or profits are reinvested in the Club. Surplus from open events may be distributed to charity(ies) as agreed by the Committee
b. The Club may provide sporting and related social facilities, sporting equipment, coaching, courses, insurance cover, medical treatment, travel expenses and other ordinary benefits of Community Amateur Sports Clubs as first provided for in the Finance Act 2002.
c. The Club may also in connection with the sports purposes of the Club:
i Sell and supply food, drink and related sports clothing and equipment.
ii Employ members and remunerate them for providing goods and services, on fair terms set by the Committee without the person concerned being present.
iii Pay for reasonable hospitality for visiting guests;
d. The Club shall indemnify the Committee and members acting properly in the course of the running of the Club against any liability incurred in the proper running of the Club, normally by taking out insurance as provided by affiliation to national bodies
e. The Committee will have due regard to the law on disability discrimination and child protection.
10. Winding Up
a. The members may vote to wind up the Club if not less than three quarters of those present and voting support that proposal at a properly convened general meeting.
b. The Committee will then be responsible for the orderly winding up of the Club’s affairs.
c. After settling all liabilities of the Club, the Committee shall dispose of the net assets remaining to one or more of the following:
i To another Club with similar sports purposes which is a registered charity and/or
ii To another Club with similar sports purposes which is a registered CASC.
11. Alterations to the Constitution
The Constitution may be altered but only by a resolution passed by two-thirds of those present and voting at an AGM or an EGM called for that purpose.
12. Revision History
a. This Constitution was formally adopted at the AGM held on 25 March 2015 and replaces the club’s original Constitution used since its formation in 1982. Subsequent changes are indicated thus: [Amended/added 2020].
13. Equity Statement [Added 2020]
a) The club, its members and any individual affiliated with the club in any capacity will commit to respecting the rights, dignity and worth of every person and treat everyone equally within the context of the sport, regardless of age, ability, gender, race, ethnicity, religious belief, sexuality or social/economic status.
b) The club is committed to everyone having the right to enjoy their sport in an environment free from threat of intimidation, harassment, and abuse, and must take active steps to ensure this.
c) All club members have a responsibility to oppose discriminatory behaviour and promote equality of opportunity.
d) The club will deal with any incidence of discriminatory behaviour seriously, according to club disciplinary procedures.