Wednesdayish Run – Smelly Farm/Pembury


As the club is no longer in “business as usual” mode and I know how much you love those Wednesday night routes, we have decided to send a route each week that Harriers might like to do at any time during the course of the week. There won’t be any leader boards and no one will be checking up on you, but it gives Harriers an excuse to mix their routines up a bit from their usual array of runs.

So as this week’s Routemaster 🚌, fasten your seat belts and here we go ……

The route is 6 miles and if that isn’t enough you can add a few miles in the delightful Dunorlan Park either before you set off or at the end.

This week’s run is a mix of quiet roads and trails and hopefully not too complicated.

0.0m start at cnr of Camden Park and Bayhall Road, heading along Bayhall Rd away from TW.
0.2m L into Halls Hole Rd and then immediately R into High Woods Lane.
0.3m pass allotments on L, continue along road/bridleway through an open gate pass The Royals Indoor Bowls centre on you L, pass fields, then woods and pass Mouseden Farm.
1.6m arrive at Little Bayhall Farm (Harriers refer to it as Smelly Farm) continue along road/bridleway, through 3 newly installed gates, pass a few houses.
1.7m follow black footpath sign down the hill through bracken.
2.0m continue along the bridge over stream and straight up the other side.
2.1m arrive at a T junction and go left on a rocky road – Chalket Lane (Ed Steele and other aspiring XC hopefulls may want to turn R then L up to the top of the field) and up, across a narrow bridge over the A21.
2.6m arrive at traffic lights on Pembury Green, continue straight over and then down Lower Green Road.
2.8m L onto footpath at Lower Green Recreation Ground, stay on the footpath to the right of the Rec until you reach a T junction in the woods.
3.0m at this T junction turn L
3.4m pass around a metal gate and arrive at traffic lights, turning R into Tonbridge Rd, continue past hotel, garden centre and hospital.
3.9 L at cycle path.
4.0 take footbridge over the A21.
4.1m continue straight ahead along an unsigned road (Blackhurst Lane).
4.9m pass school, arrive at traffic lights, turn R into Pembury Road.
5.4m L into Dunorlan Park main entrance, head down the hill, keeping to the R of the lake, making your way towards the park exit in Bayhall Road.
6.0m arrive at the start point in Bayhall Road.

I attach a wonderful route map from Cas and a GPX of the route.

Its time to commit !

Any offers for setting routes gratefully received. Some of you have some nice off road routes that you must be desperate to share with other Harriers !

Geoff Turner

