Wednesday Run – Gemma’s Kenyan Hills


Happy Monday! It’s my route this week. No theme this time, just some hills. I thought to make it more interesting at the end there’s the some Kenyan hills, which I had a go at with my friend Sarah. Idea is, effort up hill recovery down and there might be prizes (mini eggs) for effort or number of circuits.

Big thank you to Casper for the map.

See you Weds, think you can do better than me or have a route please email Geoff to offer. Weather looks dry.
Gem x

Start at Nevil gate
Left up Warwick park
Left Top onto Forest road run along and it
Continues on to Bayhall
Right at Pembury road by the Royal Oak pub
Continue until Sandrock were we turn left
Then Right down Cleveland, follow road round until Ferndale
Short cut can continue on Ferndale.
( long and if wanting hills, turn right down spring head and back up and right at top back along Ferndale)
Turn left to Rejoin Sandrock then continue straight onto Lansdowne and garden road
Left on Monson road continue on
Left onto mount pleasant
At roundabout at bottom first exit up Grove Hill continue up until reach Claremont road
Right at Claremont road
Left at Farmcombe for short route continue up Farmcombe to Forest road right, then right again down Warwick park and back to club. (Approx 5miles)

Long route At second roundabout take the second exit, cavendish drive this is we’re
Kenyan hills start.
Turn down cavendish then take left to Delves Ave
Follow Delves Ave around back up to Farmcombe road
Turn left on Farmcombe and run back to Cavendish drive (starting point) this time run back down
Cavendish Drive but turn right following Cavendish Drive all the way back to Farmcombe
turn right on Farmcombe and back up to starting point. This can be repeated as often as you like minimum x1. When finished continue up Farmcombe road and turn right at top onto Forest road and right again on Warwick park then finally right again on Nevill gate.
(Approx 1x Kenyan hill = 6.5m)
