It’s time to vote for the recipients of the club awards for the calendar year of 2018, including the 2018/19 cross country season. All voting is via the online poll at the link below, but a listing of the performances is attached should you wish to read through and make your choices before going on line.
There are seven trophies to vote for – including the new ‘Most Improved Runner’ award – and the attached listing and online poll both include suggested notable performances. These have been compiled from over 1300 of your individual performances over 2018, all collated by our Club Statistician Bob Lawrence. Thanks to Bob and to the rest of the committee for their assistance in preparing the list of performances.
Well done to all of you for the quality of the performances in 2018, and particularly to those of you that have made it into the final listing. Voting will close at 6pm on Saturday, and the trophies will be awarded at the ClubParty that evening. Good luck, and get voting!
Andy Howey