TWH run – 24th January 2024 – After the storm

Club Events
Greetings Harriers,
The other clubs in Kent certainly felt the force of TWH yesterday when we were awarded the 2023 Kent Grand Prix Men’s and Women’s trophies.
A windy start to the week might deter the weak and feeble but the likes of Agnes, Babet, Ciaran, Debi, Elin, Fergus, Gerrit, Henk and Isha will not blow us off course.
We may not have set the world alight in the Canterbury race but its all part of the build up to our very own TW Half Marathon next month when our very own storm troopers strut their stuff.
This week’s run is a repeat of one that former member, Tom “The Boxer” Barry set for us a while back.
So, with Tom as this week’s Routemaster , fasten your seat belts and let’s go ……plenty of gentle undulations around central Tunbridge Wells until you get your second tasting of the year of Sausage Factory Hill (our very own James O’Dwyer is currently the Local Legend) followed by a chance of redemption at St Marks before a return to the Nevill.

Whether you are returning from skiing, recovering from Sunday’s Canterbury 10 Mile , preparing for Saturday’s XC, a Sunday marathon training run or just want to run with your friends, there is something for you.

The long route is 7.2 miles with a medium route of 6.3 miles and a short route 5.4 miles – there is a Goldilocks route for you.

This week’s route is mostly well lit but please try and stay in groups as much as possible, looking out especially for guests, newer members and wear something bright with a head torch an optional accessory.

Map and GPX attached. 
There is also a walking group that sets off at the same time. So if you’re injured, tired or full of wind, come along and walk with friends.

Current forecast for Wednesday is for a dry and pleasant 8C – and it shouldn’t be too windy !
The Nevill is closed for repair for several months, so we will continue to utilise the fine facilities of the Nevill Tennis Club next door to us for baggage and post run showers followed by our post-run refreshment. Turnout has been great and we want to keep that going.
So after the run head back to the tennis club – the perfect temporary home for the top seeds of Kent running.
The ideal place to relax and chill. 
7:30 prompt start from the Tennis Club Bar – Tennis Club change rooms and showers are open, then its afters upstairs at the Tennis Club Bar – it’s time to commit !
If anyone has an idea for a route please get in contact – all contributions welcome.
Geoff Turner