TWH Coached Session – Monday 19th February 2024

Club Events

Good afternoon all,

Congratulations to everyone who ran and helped at the Tunbridge Wells half marathon today. If you ran today please don’t come to tomorrow’s track session but we look forward to seeing you next week. 

The weather is expected to be dry and 7/8 degrees tomorrow evening. Temps do drop off quickly so please make sure you bring plenty of layers for before and after the run. The planned session for this week is:

Monday 19th February – 7.30pm / Tonbridge School Athletics Track TN10 3AD – Fartlek
3 x 8 min with 2 min recovery. At various paces depending on the whistle and the bell 🙂  (Coaches: Mike and Julie)

For anyone wanting to run the session independently “Fartlek” translates as “speed play” so essentially you can choose the intervals you run for as you feel, alternating between hard or easy pace. Always start on an easy paced rep. If like me you need a bit more structure then here is a suggestion:
Block 1: 120s Easy, 60s Hard, 60s Easy, 90s Hard, 30s Easy, 90s Hard, 30s Easy.
2 mins walk recovery.
Block 2: 90s Easy, 120s Hard, 60s Easy, 60s Hard, 30s Easy, 90s Hard, 30s Easy.
2 mins Walk Recovery etc.
As a guide Easy reps should be run at 4/5 out of 10 effort level and hard reps at 7-8 out of 10. 
Some running watches even have a pre-programmed Fartlek session. 

Monday evening track sessions must be paid for, ideally in advance, to the club bank account via online transfer. Costs are £2 per session for Tunbridge Wells Harriers members, £3 for non-members. Please use your name + “Monday track” as reference. If you have forgotten to pay for any previous sessions, then please do a bulk payment.

We kindly ask that if you are feeling unwell in any way that you do not attend the coached sessions.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or one of the other coaches,

Best wishes
