TW Half – Urgent call for more volunteers

Half Marathon
As usual in a Kent Grand Prix year, finding volunteers is proving especially difficult.
If you haven’t signed up, please do so NOW because we cannot put the event on without your help. Please badger friends and family if they can spare a few hours on Sunday, especially if you are running. The most they need to commit is 3 hours as a marshal.
All information and the place for them to sign up is in the usual place, or just send me their details
Thanks to the 82 of you signed up on the form so far. However 29 of you are running and I see a further 17 harriers on the entry list. Even if you are running you can still help out in the morning! 
I’ve setup a page that shows your current allocation(s), there’s still a load of people to assign to positions so bear with me please! You’ll get more details on your actual position soon
What’s Next
1) I expect the signs will be going up starting from the weekend of 4th/5th, Andy H is the signs lead and will contact you about this
2) Early number collection volunteers are next, I’ll send out a spreadsheet for you to jot down when you can do this – note that it fills up very quickly so apologies if all the spots get taken
3) We need some people for some key positions, a few have expressed interest already and have been allocated. If you have interest in the following then please note it on the form, or contact me directly
– Section Marshals (I’m contacting some folks directly)
– Sweep Runners
– Race vehicles (drop out car, sweep car, lead car)
– Putting out mile marker signs morning of the race
– Putting out keep left signs morning of the race

Edward Steele
TW Half Marathon Volunteer Coordinator