Summer Relays Resuts

Club Events

Morning Harriers
Well done to everyone who ran in the Summer Relays last night. We had a great turnout with 66 runners taking part in 22 teams and it was fantastic to see the encouragement and enthusiasm from everyone.
The object of the evening was to have a fun, sociable event to mark the end of the summer. Many of you ran with people you might not normally run with, the weather was kind to us and we squeezed out every last remaining bit of daylight. And there was pizza! So all in all a great evening!
We would like to say a very big thank you to everyone who helped out on the night. Your help was very much appreciated and we definitely couldn’t have put on the event without you.
As promised, please find attached the individual and team results.
Kind regards
Simon Holford & Andrew Deighton

Relay Results 2022