Steve Barnfield Trophy – Nominations needed

Dear Harriers
This trophy, a small glass plaque which is retained by the recipient, is named in memory of Club member Steve Barnfield who lost his life to cancer in 2019. It is awarded to the Harrier who, in the opinion of fellow members, has shown the most improvement in their performance over the previous calendar year.  Examples would be improvements in times, distances or numbers of races run, attaining a personal goal or a notable return to form following illness or injury.


Nominations for this trophy are made by individual members with Club members voting for the recipient. The committee reserve the right to disregard nominations which are not supported by sufficient information to allow members to make a reasoned judgment. Nominees will not normally be included if they have been nominated for other trophies.
If you would like to nominate someone (or yourself !) who showed great improvement in 2022 compared to 2021 please email me with who you want to nominate and the details of why, so that a shortlist can be created for voting by club members along with the other 2022 awards.
The deadline for nominations is midnight on Friday 24th March 2022.
Geoff Turner
TWH Awards Secretary