Dear all,
Well done to everyone over the weekend including Bewl 15. It used to be my “on my doorstep” race and one that I miss the most.
The ‘deckchair’ had an outing in the Tenby Marathon yesterday. It is part of the Long Course Weekend in which the three ironman disciplines are staged on consecutive days. I haven’t had the courage yet to enter the swim or the bike but just the marathon. Conditions were perfect, 18 degrees with a breeze on the way out, which helped on the return. I managed a 3 minute negative split finishing in 4:56:41 almost an hour quicker than last year when I was carrying an injury. I finished 424th out of 608 finishers, having started absolutely last following a kit adjustment after crossing the start line. I was 3rd MV65 (albeit out of 6!)
Winning man – Liam Lloyd in 2:40:21
Winning woman – Emily Marchant in 2:56:53 (4th overall and only 30 seconds behind 3rd overall)
Both of these had completed the full LCW weekend of swim/bike/run.
Best regards
Derek Harrison