Kit Swap


Evening Harriers, 

A brief reminder that the inaugural TWH ‘kit swap’ evening will be this Wednesday post club run. Details below. 

Still a couple of days to pull out any unwanted, clean and decent kit or general running ‘stuff’ that others may enjoy more! Hopefully there’ll be more than just the pale blue shorts I bought back in the 90s that I thought were a good idea! 

Thanks all, 

That got everyone’s attention! Not actually a proposal but please read on….

To kick off the year off, the Committee has taken a look at the club’s potential impacts on the environment and what we can do to make the club ‘greener’. Many running and other sports clubs (including England Athletics – see attached) are pursuing this agenda so time we got involved! 

Luckily our impact as a club is relatively low and we are already doing some great things. This includes lift sharing to races, wooden medals for the TWH Half Marathon and making T shirts optional for entrants thereby ensuring we only order enough and avoiding a huge surplus.

But we can do more! 

So, to help with your post Christmas clear out we are planning an unwanted ‘kit swap’ on Wednesday 14th February. If you have draws full of clean decent kit that you never wear (or wore in the first place) then don’t be shy, bring it in and perhaps someone else will! And then, post club run, why not browse what others have brought in with a drink in hand and the excitement of picking up a bargain….for free! 

At the end of the night, you get to either take home what you brought in or to avoid shoving it once again in the back of the cupboard, I will arrange for it to go to charity or recycling. Please message me off-group if you have any questions.

And what about old trainers I hear you say. Rather than risk injury by wearing 1000mile+ shoes worn by others, have a look at JogOn (