Hash 27th May 2015


27th May 2015 – No run from the Nevill


Instead – meet on The Green, Leigh next to the school and near the Fleur de lis (TN11 8RL) for:

Mark Taylor’s Annual Hash Run

The run will start at 7:30 pm sharp in order that everyone can get round in daylight. Longest route is 7 miles with shorter options for those that want it. (speak to the hare) There is also a walker’s route as well. Trail(s) will be marked with flour.

Afterwards there is free food (including some vege options) at the Fleur de lis and subsidised drinks so everyone is welcome for a post run gathering.

Parking is limited at the pub so please car share if possible and if parking in adjacent roads please respect the residents and park with consideration.

Call Mark Taylor on 07504414250 with any queries.

Hashing Info:

For those who have not hashed before hashing began in Malaysia by a couple of Brit Expats way back and was basically a hare setting a trail through the jungle that the pack had to follow. All based on the old paper chase. Why the name ‘Hash’ ?. Well it is supposedly because after the chase they all ended up at the Hash House for food and drink afterwards. The name Hash House stuck and now there are renowned Hash House Harriers all around the world. The nearest to Tunbridge Wells are the East Grinstead Hash and the Harvel Hash House Harriers. Hashers are affectionately known as ‘drinkers with a running problem’

So what does hashing entail ?. On the 27th May there will be a simplified version. Basically the pack follows a flour / sawdust trail laid by the Hare. This will be mainly blobs of flour / sawdust but at certain points there will be what is known as a check a circle with a dot in the middle. The pack then has to find the trail (up to 50m from the check) from a number of different tracks known as false trails. 3 blobs in a row after a check indicate you are on the right trail. A line across the track indicates no trail or no flour no trail. Other markings are arrows and a close line of blobs indicates a turn left or right. There will also be letters S and L which indicate the short or long route. The key factor is to keep looking for blobs which means you are on trail. No flour no trail and if you find yourself in this position go back to where you last saw flour / sawdust and look for the trail. Hopefully on the 27th the hare will be about on various parts of the trail ensuring you all get round without getting lost.