Great South Run – Race Report


For some reason, Rosie nominated me to do the race report for yesterday’s Great South Run. In summary – it was hot!! We would both rather have been sitting in deckchairs by the sea rather than running in them. Even our loyal supporters George and Bob were complaining that they were too hot!!

Despite personally having a shocker of a race this time, it is still one to be recommended – great support (and not just from George and Bob), an interesting course, and we have now sussed out places to park for free and where to wait at the start with no loo queues.

Rosie and I thought we were the only Harriers there but the TV coverage and results proved us wrong!

First Man – Chris Thompson 00:46:56
First Lady – Eilish McColgan 00:54:43

Richard Salter 01:11:16
Nicola Morris 01:11:59
Richard Quartermaine 01:13:24
Rosie Harris 01:40:25
Carol Bain 01:51:35

I should also give a special mention to our local friend/rival Maria Heslop who started early with the elite women and finished in 7th place in the elite women’s race in 1:01:06. Pretty amazing!

I expect I’ll be back next year for its 30th anniversary and my 10th – if nothing else i now need to beat yesterday’s demons!!!

Nicola Morris