Evening Harriers
Just a quick reminder that thedeadline for entering the Kent XC League race at Somerhillon Sat 28th October is by theend of tomorrow (Monday 23rd).
If you would like to join us please complete the signup formandpay your £10 subs into the club bank account (details below)
So far the following people have signed up since the Footscray deadline and will be entered:
William Levett
Mike Staddon
Ian Grant
Danny Winson
Joan Woodward
Gareth Hiron
Christopher Stringer
Ian Grant
Patricia Salamanca
If you ran at Footscray Meadows and/or have signed up already then you do not need to take any further action as you have already been entered.
I will be sending out final race details on Wednesday.
Finally, for anybody with children/grandchildren of 11 years old or younger, host club TAC are organising a separate1 Mile Children’s Raceon Saturday morning. Please see attached flyer for details.
Kind Regards
TWH Men’s XC Captain