Club night – Wed 22nd Feb – Orienteering

Club Events
Afternoon Harriers
This coming Wednesday (22nd Feb) we will be doing something slightly different for the weekly club night.
We will be holding a Street Orienteering event. I have tried to make this as simple as possible so don’t worry if you are a bit navigationally challenged. 
You can take part either individually or in teams of 2 or 3 (decide on the night). Everyone will be given a map before the start with 10 controls marked on it. Each control will be worth either 10, 20, 30 or 50 points and the idea is to score as many points as possible in a maximum of 60 minutes. You can choose which controls you visit and in which order. You don’t have to get them all unless you are up for the challenge. 
A full briefing will be given before the start.
In order to take part you will need to bring with you:
  • headtorch (or similar) so you can see the map
  • iPhone or Android smartphone (1 per team/individual) with the iOrienteering app installed (see below)
Please download and register the app (it’s free) before Wednesday evening to make sure everything is working properly. NB: make a note of your username and password as you will need these later.
iOrienteering App
Please see the attached instructions on how to download and register the app. 
These were prepared for a different event but the process is the same. Note that CP = Check Point (a.k.a. control). 
You can choose whatever username you like in step 3
Finally, try out the sample event (step 5) as this will give you an idea of how it will work on the night.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Kind regards