Club Awards 2016


With the presentation of the 2016 Club trophies and awards scheduled to take place at the Club Party this Saturday evening 18th March, it’s time to start voting. You have two options this year: either using the online poll at the link below, or completing THIS FORM and handing it to a committee member at the Nevill tomorrow evening.

There are six trophies to vote for, and the voting form and online poll both include suggested notable performances. These have been compiled from over a thousand of your individual performances over 2016, all collated by our Club Statistician Bob Lawrence. Thanks to Bob, to Craig for getting the online poll together and to the rest of the committee for their assistance in preparing the list of performances.

Well done to all of you for the quality of the performances in 2016, and particularly to those of you that have made it into the final listing. Good luck, and get voting!
