On a reasonably still, not too cold and nice and dry Sunday morning, some Harriers set off for the seaside for a flat, quick 10km course looping around the seafront.
There were a lot of vapour flys and next %’s out in the front pen and the pace was pretty quick up top due to a deep field, the leader lost to sight pretty quickly.
A little uphill start settled to a few km’s along the Kings Road before looping left and around back onto the seafront. At this point I had the added bonus of being cheered on by my 2yo and 4yo boys and my 2yo niece. Cracking support.
After pushing along the front we went past the start / finish at around 7.5km before a final hairpin and the last km or so to the finish.
The only advantage of this route doubling back past the finish for me was to see how fast the leader was going at the end. Great to watch. I was hanging.
Pretty perfect conditions led to good times all across the whole field.
1 | Finn McNally | 30.23 | (First male) |
34 | Beth Kidger | 34.17 | (First female) |
42 | Patrick Bareham | 34.39 | (PB) |
71 | Mike King | 35.57 | (PB) |
74 | Tom Woolley | 36.06 | |
148 | Mike Cardall | 38.25 | (PB) |
208 | Tomas Vnucak | 40.30 | (PB) |
446 | Polly Haywood | 46.19 | (PB) |
Unfortunately, Harriet Woolley had to retire due to continued illness but was superb in cheering us in as we all fell over the line.
Congrats to all other Harriers that raced this weekend.
Patrick Bareham