Hi all
After the glittering delights of the Christmas Lights run and Fish and Chip night, the next organised club run is our annual Boxing Day run – which as usual is being held on Boxing Day! The perfect excuse to escape from the relatives for an hour or so.
Meet at the clubhouse at 10am for a social run of about 6-7 miles ideal for wearing off the excesses of Christmas Day in preparation for round 2. Lots of re-grouping and plenty of chat about dodgy Christmas presents!
The route is all on quiet country lanes out towards Groonbridge and then back past High Rocks for the now traditional photograph. All on road so no need for trail shoes – save them for the mudfest that will be Christmas Day parkrun!
Here is the strava route for anyone who wants it TWH Boxing Day run | 7.2 mi Running Route on Strava
Merry Christmas to All!