Beckenham Relays


Hello All

It had been well publicised that Mark Taylor’s birthday hash would be on 17th May, which clashed with Beckenham Relays.

Fortunately Mark has been able to move the date of his birthday hash to Wednesday 31st May so we shall be able to take a full compliment to Beckenham on 17th May. I should like to thank Mark for being so flexible to enable us to not miss out on either of these great annual events.

To this end, should you wish to take part in The Beckenham Relays I shall be taking names for the event and making up teams with members of roughly the same standard within each of the available categories. I shall, of course, have entry sheets at the Club on the next few Wednesdays, or you may e-mail me directly should you wish to take part.

The Beckenham Relays are for teams of 3 with each member running 2.6 Miles over a “scenically undulating” route around Beckenham Golf Course. The route is on tarmac paths.

The number of teams per Club is restricted so early booking would be helpful.

All teams MUST be entered by Running Clubs and no individual teams may enter the event other than through their Club.

Race is on Wednesday 17th May. Further details will be available at the beginning of April.


Bob L