Annual Party Night



Put Saturday 18th March in the your diaries now as it’s Harriers Annual Party Night!


We’re trying something different this year – no dinner!


So it’ll be all about the party, a night to celebrate another great year for the Harriers and your achievements, and a chance to socialise out of lycra and trainers and have a boogie! (Do people still say ‘boogie’??)


New venue too – we have the private room and bar at Vittle & Swig on Camden Road in TW, so nice and central, walkable for many, so no excuses!

There’s 2 rooms, the main ‘party’ room, and then a quieter bar area with seats for taking a breather and having a chat.


More info to come, but in the meantime, put the date in your diaries – Saturday March 18th @ 8pm – all welcome – partners and long suffering marathon training widows welcome too!


