40th Anniversary party – 24th June – *FINAL REMINDER*


Don’t forget to book your place for the anniversary party on Friday 24th June 2022.
This is the last reminder for Club members only tickets, any spaces left by this Friday will be opened up to partners too!

 It’s going to be at The Old Auction House on the end of the Pantiles – https://oldauctionhouse.uk/

We’ll have food, awards and a DJ for a spot of dancing if you feel that way inclined!

 The Club is subsidising this event, with food & some drinks included, so ticket price is only £10 per person.

 To ‘book’ you place, please fill in this form: https://forms.gle/ydtuXeHo9BEvp5ai9

And then pay your ticket money into the club account (BACS details are on the bottom of the Google form) or if you’re unable to do this, I will accept cash.

Use your Surname – Party for reference on BACS.

 Let’s make it a great night!

